
Posts Tagged ‘white avens’

This week has been challenging.  There have been conflicts that have kept me inside.  Imagine that!  Work to do that can’t wait.  And even the weather has conspired against walking.  Storms beset us and the trails have been heavy with clay.  It is not the same walk when your feet become collectors of added clay soles.  And then there are celebrations that happen during lunch.  But I did manage a quick walk on Monday with a few shots of Skeleton Plant and White Avens now that they are beginning to fruit.  It is good intentions to get outside that get altered by commitments.  Just as an exercise program begins to taper off as you see the benefits, walking on a regular basis suffers when there are distractions.  And the heat is coming.  That is another story, altogether.

White Avens flower and fruit

White Avens flower and fruit

Skeleton Plant Flower
Skeleton Plant flower

Skeleton Plant Fruit
Skeleton Plant fruit


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Today was a great day for trail walking. Lisa suggested a route that parallels Onion Creek across from Jimmy Clay Golf Course and there were some delicate White Avens (Geum canadense) as ground cover and striking Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia) in bloom.  The large Prickly Pear just down the road from the fitness center has burst into flowers today.  A Roadrunner kept just ahead of me as I descended into the bottom and I knew the walk was going to be promising from then on.  Thank you, Lisa.

“White Avens” (Geum canadense)

Here is the White Avens.


And here is the Red Buckeye.

Prickly Pear

Just one of many brand new Prickly Pear (Opuntia engelmannii) blooms.

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